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“I’ve muted you because of the heavy breathing.

It was 8:27 A.M. on that Wednesday morning when that message popped up on my screen. It was that moment, whilst reading that message from my boss, that it hit me – I had let myself become “that guy”. That guy that you can hear coming down the hallway. That guy that can’t climb a flight of stairs without huffing and puffing.

“Give it to the garbage disposal – he’ll eat it.”

I wasn’t happy with how I felt – constant joint pain, wondering every night if the acid reflux or sleep apnea would finally kill me. I wasn’t happy with laying in bed wondering if that pain in my chest was a heart attack or just pain from having that much weight on my chest. I certainly wasn’t happy with being in 30s and having to take 2 different blood pressure medications.

How did I get here? In a single word.. complacency. I put my IT career ahead of my health. I prioritized video games, booze and food over staying healthy. I didn’t make, scratch that, I didn’t TAKE time to exercise or eat healthy, using how “busy” I was as an excuse.

That was over a year ago. Since then, I’ve lost over 80 pounds (and kept it off), kicked the coffee habit, and overcame the acid reflux and sleep apnea. To do that, I had to forge new habits, learn new lessons, and defeat my greatest nemesis – the person looking back at me in the mirror.

If this story resonates with you, I’d love for you to join the community by subscribing to our email newsletter. Let’s link arms and walk this road together.

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